Indian agriculture which is not just feeding world's
second largest poppulation but also have surpluse in agricultural produce. In
past, Indian agriculture has witnessed anomalies like drought and flood but
policy of Green Revolution has transformed India from Straving to Food Surpluse and Self-Reliant country.
Agriculture along with its allied sector have a share of 17% of our GDP. It is
the largest sector regarding employment generation and providing livelihood for
more than 52% of our total population and also is one of the trade surpluse sector.
Having such an important place in economy, Agricultural Sector of our Economy is struggling for a sustainable
growth. There are several impediment in its growth and development.
First, India have 13.78 crore farmers out of which
11.71 crore are small farmers having less than two hectare of land. Ninenty
five percent of these small farmers have less than Rs 6500 per month. Due to
poppulation growth, the land fragmentation is enhancing year by year which lead
to smaller and smaller landholding. This ultimetely results in low
productivity, increased use of fertilizers, deterioting soil health,decreasing
per capita land holding etc.
Second, The youth do not take agricultural sector as a
productive and respectable means of job and use to migrate towards metros in
search of employment.
Third, more than 65% of rural women are directly
engaged in agriculture but they have no land holding on their own name. Neither
Govt recognize them as farmer nor Banks provide them easy loan. This led them
to the door of money lenders which ultimetly results in debt trap.
Fouurth, India having 17% of world population and 15%
of World Cattle with only 4% of Water over 2.4% of land is very
disadvantegiously placed. The high population lead land fragmentation with low
productivity has resulted in low income. Low income of these small farmers do
not allow them to Heavy Machinary over small land, High cost technology,
inefficient use of water in irrigtion, dependent over mansoon for major land,
high cost seed etc.
Fifth, Post harvest crop management in india is in
very sorry state. There is a huge gap between need and supply chain regarding
procurement. The result is the wastage of grains.
Sixth, Intermediatries are still present leading to
the distortion of profit sharing. Market chain is also in very indisiplined
Seventh, Srinking agricultural land area due to
industriliztion, urbanization, infrastructure development, plant instalation
etc. Agricultural Heart like panjab which has two persent of total agricultural
land but provides more than fifty percent of total grain production is facing
the problem of salinization, unbalance and unsustanable use of chemical
fertilizer, too much water for irrigation all these leads to deterioting soil
heath, decreasing productivity etc.
Keeping all above in veiw govt has to come with a
holistic approach towards agriculture. To crop 4% growth rate in Agriculture
govt. have to make some structural change. First of all, all above problems are
related to fund and finance. Govt should make a seperate budget for agriculture
excluding rural development aspect. Financial inclusion should be penetrate up
to grass root level in general and Dalits and other weaker section in particular.
Second, The education system of india need a relook.
The Agricultural Universities should provide need based enterpenuerial
education and skill development and enhancement oriented aproach. So that when
they pass out the university, they need not to roam in search of job. Rahter
they should be job provider rather then job seeker.
Third, Our Scientific innovation, engineering and
technology like irrigation technology, Soil testing facility, soil errosion
technique, machinary etc should be the Mass Technology available at low price,
effectively usable in small farming and farmer friendly. The Call center,
Demostration in field,
Foutth, Recognization of Women Farmers along with
Loan, Banking and Demostration facility. We all know that major agriculral activity
involves women in general and Diary sector in particular. The Diversification
in croping pattern is the need of hour. The Honey Bee farming, Horticulture,
lLowericulture, Diary etc. This integrated farming will provide a better
renumerative to farmers in general and small farmers and women farmers in
particular. The Women and Small farmers have very huge potential what they need
is the proper support and security net from the govt.
Fifth, We all konw that even a peon have a well
established social security net. But, our food producing community in general
and small farmers and women farmers in particular do not have any kind of such
security net. During crop failure they are helpless. Debt trap compells them
sold their land, starve by months and sucide. Govt of India must come with such
a act which provide a supportive social security net at the time of crop
failure and other contingencies.
Sixth, Food saved is food produced. Govt should use
the local potantial and support of intersted people in procurement of food
grain at feasible price near by the farmers. This kind of micro Cold Storage
will be better to manage and to provide better facility to farmer to near by
their village. Procurement of crops should not be limited to few crop only.
This should be increased for example pulses, oil seed etc should also be
procured in these storages.
Seventh, Govt should educate, demostrate, train and
enhance their skill regarding value addition. This will provide them extra
employment and income. The marketing of grain should be farmer friendly.
Intermediatries should be eliminated. This will help to farmer to get the
adequate price. And, consumer were also please to directly purchasing from
Eighth, Fallow, uncultivated, saline, revine land
development program should be planned and executed in mission mode. This will
help to use the unused land. This will help to increase the farm land. Govt
also should avoid the aqusition of farm land unless the fullest possible utilization
of already aquired land.
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