Sunday, September 30, 2012

Declining Women Workforce in India

Recognition of Indian women in economic growth is not accurately & properly  recognized . Only certain class of women has got employed in IT , Hospitality Industry and Communication Industry which is a very less amount as compare to other aspect is concern .
Apart from all those , Their number in total workforce is declining . According to National Sample Survey 2009-10 , there is 21 million women workers in the labour force compared to 2004-05 . This is a matter of concern for Govt. of india . The no. of women in manufacturing came down from 11.6 million to 10.75 million while no. of women in construction work has more than doubled from around 2.07 million to 6.50 million in 2009-10 which is less as compare to manufacturing sector .
According to Govt. , many more young women , over 15 years of age , who has counted as part of Labour Force had now registered education as a principle activity . A no. of women are take in home based work but may not register themselves as worker , migration of women due to economic distress .
But , It is also a reality that India has refused to sign ILO Convention that accord recognition to basic rights of workers to those in domestic service as maids . Govt. of India has also not considered 50 lakh women worker in various govt. scheme without recognized as Govt. Worker with low level wage . Flagship programs like ICDS , NHRM , Mid Day Meal Schemes are dependent on them . Not only they are  denied Recognition as Govt. Employees but  Govt. is exploiting them by paying a pittance .
Govt. of India & Indian Democracy will have to cover a long trajectory as for Women Development , Empowerment , Independence , Self-Respect  & Recognition in Male Dominating Society is concern .

Indian Internet Economy

The Internet has established its role as a powerful economic force multiplier . Its contribution in Indian GDP will explode to $100 billion with 350 million Netizens  & India will rank at 2nd position by 2015 from $30 billion contribution in GDP with 120 million Netizens & 3rd position in world at present . By 2015 , Internet Sector is projected to become bigger than the Education Sector & equal to Health Care Sector in terms of GDP contribution .
According to “ Impact of Internet on Indian Economy “ by McKinsey contribution of Internet to global GDP is near about 3 percent or $1.7 trillion and its performance in India will eventually mirror this trend .
The world currently has 2 billion Internet users , of whom 50 percent live out side the developed world . The global Internet Population will climb up to 2.6-2.9 billion by 2015 .
According to report , 30 aspiring countries with a very high economic growth have seen Internet users grow at 5 times the level in the developed world . In next 10 years , Netizens in these 30 countries are projected to grow at 10 times the pace in the developed world .
The growth are and will be boosted in future due comprehensive expansion of wireless . At present , only 15-20 percent of users access Internet on Wireless Technology in World while this data is near about 55% in India .
Indian Internet growth story seems promising , but Individual user yet to play their rightful role . Individual consumption is palced at 29% - much lower than the International figure 45% which means that there are some barriers in Internet Growth Trajectory .
First , Internet Econnomy in India continues to be driven by large companies . Second , Absence of Low Cost - High Speed connectivity in small cities and rural areas ,Total Cost of Ownership including Connectivity , Device , Appliances which is 4-6 times of China & Brazil and 20-30 higher than countries like Malaysia & Vietnam on Purchasing Power Parity terms . Third , Beyond reach & Affordability as well as Digital Literacy . Fourth , Widening & Expanding the application Service that are offered on Net . Fifth , Presence of Intermediaries between web & users .

Govt. of India has taken initiatives like BHARAT BROADBAND Network Program to reach 2.5 lakh village panchayats with 2013-14 . There is also a need to incorporate Public-Private Partnership to promote Digital Literacy & use of Net in Agriculture , Education , Healthcare & Public Information along with Entertainment Sector as a Pull Factor in future to boost the Internet Economy . Here Entrepreneurship is expected to play a crucial & key role in expanding the reach of Internet Service to Aam Adami . Govt. of India has to provide more Favourable Business Environment for online business by easing the ability of these business to start up , scale up & operate within predictable regime is crucial .

Friday, September 28, 2012

Indian as Rabies Capital

India sees more Deaths from rabies than any other country and nearly Three-Quarters of them occur in just seven central and south-eastern States, according to a research that will be published shortly in the journal PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases.

The research is part of the ongoing ‘Million Death Study’ that uses ‘Verbal Autopsies’ to identify causes of death that take place in a nationally representative sample of over two million Indian households.
Using this methodology, researchers estimated that there were 12,700 deaths in the country in 2005 from ‘Furious Rabies,  whose victims display the Classic Symptoms associated with the disease, such as Fear of Water (Hydrophobia). Almost Three-Quarters of those deaths were in Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Assam and Madhya Pradesh. In which Uttar Pradesh alone accounted for about One-Third of the Deaths .
A 2003 assessment carried out by the Association for Prevention and Control of Rabies in India, with the support of the World Health Organisation, had estimated the number of ‘Furious Rabies’ deaths at about 17,000.  A factor of 20 per cent was added to take into Account Paralytic or Atypical Rabies, taking the total number of deaths to around 20,000.
Local factors heavily influenced how such clusters of cases formed in different parts of the country. Those factors needed to be understood and taken into account when identifying high-prevalence areas .

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Key Appointments & Suggested Names , in Democracy must be Publicise before making Appointment .

India is one of The Largest & The Vibrant Democracy of the World . The India has taken several steps to Strengthen the Democratic Aspects in many ways . The Written Supreme Law of Land has prescribed the way of functioning of all the Key organs of Indian Governance .
But , Regarding the appointment for concern post ,  The Search of Name for that Concern post  is left over The Executive & Judiciary (for judges ). 
As for as Appointment of The President , The Vice – President , The Prime Minister &  Chief Ministers are concern , Their name remains in Public Domain quite before their appointment . Before the end  of the tenure of these Honorable Authorities  of India & Indian System ,  Indians as well as the world comes to know who are suggested for the concern post . Plus , Public also know who is the person  . And , Public with the Deep Penetration & Effective Presence of The Media comes to Debate and Discuss the suggested Names . This give a chance to Aam Aadami to express their view & opinion regarding those personalities . Public with the Help of  Media sends their voice and concern to Government regarding suggested Persons . By this way , Government also come to know the Stand of The Public at suggested Name . According to that , Concern Authority appoints for the concern post . This is a very Healthy Practice for a Successful Democracy , which happening in Indian system .
But when it comes to other Constitutional as well as other Key Appointment of Government  in same India ( like CAG , CEC , CIC , CVC , Chairman of UPSC & State Public Service Commissions , Secretaries  of Union and State Government , DGPs , Judges of Higher Judiciary etc ) , We see a VERY SORRY STATE OF APPOINTMENT  AFFAIR . These names comes under the knowledge of Public & even to Media , only  after the appointment of particular person at the particular post .
In such appointments , The Public & The Media has no chance of expressing their opinion regarding the names suggested for the concern post . In a Democracy , The Public & Media has Every Bit of Right to Know the name suggested before appointment . And , also to debate & discuss about the Working Career Graph of the persons . Media & Public can give a Better and Practical Career Appraisal regarding the names  suggested . So , Public must given an opportunity to sent their opinion about the suggested persons for concern post.
Even , To make the Governance System Transparent  , Effective , Efficient , Responsive , Responsible , Corruption less & Productive , Govt. being in a pro-active & reformative  manner should itself PUBLICIZE the Names Suggested for concerned post at least one month before the Date of Appointment .
This will lead to give The Aam Aadmi , The NGO’s , The Eminent Personalities & other experts to put a Healthy Debate & Discussion regarding the proposed names for the concerned post .
This will further leads to make a Better Democracy with a Better say of Public in Governance  of Country .

The above Publicizing of  Name in Public domain will lead to more Transparent , Effective , Efficient , Corruption less and Acceptable appointment at key posts of country . As well as the Acceptance of Appointment in Public Domain will lead to provide a Strong and Spirited Democracy in the country .
Rajani Kant Indra
Faculty of Law, Lucknow University, Lucknow
(Sept. 18, 2012)