Recognition of
Indian women in economic growth is not accurately & properly recognized . Only certain class of women has
got employed in IT , Hospitality Industry and Communication Industry which is a
very less amount as compare to other aspect is concern .
Apart from all
those , Their number in total workforce is declining . According to National
Sample Survey 2009-10 , there is 21 million women workers in the labour force
compared to 2004-05 . This is a matter of concern for Govt. of india . The no.
of women in manufacturing came down from 11.6 million to 10.75 million while
no. of women in construction work has more than doubled from around 2.07
million to 6.50 million in 2009-10 which is less as compare to manufacturing
sector .
According to
Govt. , many more young women , over 15 years of age , who has counted as part
of Labour Force had now registered education as a principle activity . A no. of
women are take in home based work but may not register themselves as worker ,
migration of women due to economic distress .
But , It is
also a reality that India has refused to sign ILO Convention that accord
recognition to basic rights of workers to those in domestic service as maids .
Govt. of India has also not considered 50 lakh women worker in various govt.
scheme without recognized as Govt. Worker with low level wage . Flagship
programs like ICDS , NHRM , Mid Day Meal Schemes are dependent on them . Not
only they are denied Recognition as
Govt. Employees but Govt. is exploiting
them by paying a pittance .
Govt. of India
& Indian Democracy will have to cover a long trajectory as for Women Development
, Empowerment , Independence , Self-Respect & Recognition in Male Dominating Society
is concern .